Exciting News For You if You Have Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Exhaustion or Would Just Like to Have More Energy
Have you ever thought about things you might be doing if you just had more time and energy to get to them?
Did you ever wish you were one of those people who could jump out of bed every morning, enthusiastic about starting a new day?
Perhaps you've been struggling with fatigue and exhaustion for as long as you can remember, or maybe you're just feeling a little more tired than you used to and you'd like to have more energy for living your life with purpose and pleasure.
Either way, I have some very important news for you.
I'm going to do my best to contain my excitement here, but quite frankly, that's hard to do. You see, to say that I'm passionate about what I'm about to tell you would be an
understatement. Maybe you've been told that it's "normal" to be less than boundlessly energetic at "your age". Or perhaps you've been told that you have chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia, or hormone imbalances or low thyroid or depression or adrenal fatigue, and you'll just have to learn to live with it, or take medication to keep it from getting worse.
The good news (or should I say GREAT news) is that you have within you the ability to make it better. You see, it's not your fault. You just haven't been given the tools and the guidance to uncover the underlying causes of your fatigue. You haven't been taught how to fix your broken energy producing systems and regain your vim, vigor and lust for living.
Vibrant Energy is Yours for The Asking When You Apply Dr. Ritamarie's Simple, Proven Strategy
I've coached many people, possibly even some just like you, who are so grateful to be really living again, and accomplishing things they never thought possible.
Like the 33 year old woman who spent her days on the couch, unable to do even the simplest of tasks, like making lunch, without becoming exhausted. Now she is a highly paid IT consultant, takes art classes and teaches communication seminars on weekends. Talk about getting your life back.
Or the special education teacher with fatigue related to thyroid problems, who's cysts have shrunk and thyroid tests begun to normalize. Oh, yeah, she's now teaching the power of fresh whole foods to her friends and colleagues. Plus she's taking classes so that she can become a health educator and counselor and help others just as she's been helped.
HIPAA regulations (privacy in medicine) prevent me from revealing their names in public, but their stories and those of hundreds of others like them, fill the file cabinets in my office.
You'll be amazed to hear that the answers are quite simple
1- Identify and Remove the underlying causes of your fatigue
2- Repair the damage that's been caused by these causes
3- Add back in the diet and lifestyle factors that have been missing and balance what's out of balance
4- Create a support structure to insure that your new habits stick with you for life
Chances Are You've Heard the Expression "You ARE What You Eat!"
But have you ever really thought about it?
The foods that you eat make a huge difference in your quality of life. But what are the right foods?
Identifying the right foods for YOU is an important part of solving the puzzle, but there's more. Just eating the right foods doesn't guarantee that you're digesting and absorbing the right foods. And if you don't get the nutrients INTO your cells, you can't extract the energy from them, and you'll still be tired. To get the nutrients into your cells requires optimizing your digestion, immune system and hormonal systems, as well as enjoying low stress mealtimes.
And I'm not just preaching at you. About 25 years ago, I was like just like most of you. I was fueling myself on caffeine and sugar, burning the candle at both ends, and was plagued by nagging symptoms like sinus congestion, heartburn, headaches and fatigue. My weight fluctuated weekly, as I yo-yo'ed between the latest fad diet and binging till it hurt. Quite frankly I was a mess.
It was really frustrating, until I discovered the connection between what I was eating and how I was living my life and how I was feeling. I experimented for years, devouring every book, tape and article I could find on health and nutrition. I was determined to fix my broken body, and after I did, I gave up my successful career in high tech and went back to school to earn the privilege of helping others to repair theirs too.
Using whole, fresh, plant based foods, mostly alive and raw, in proper proportion for my body's unique needs, along with detoxification, stress transformation methods, exercise, attitude and a green environment, I completely transformed my health. Now, in my fifties, I have boundless energy without any caffeine and I lead a joyous and fulfilling life, showing others to do the same.
The Cure is Right Under Your Nose
It's in the kitchen, the bedroom and at the office. It's at your local grocers, in your garden and at the park. It's literally all around you, in the activities you do EVERY day. And it's not exactly rocket science, but because you've been so inundated by the wrong messages, that it's hard to see it clearly.
The hardest part about overcoming your health and energy challenges is that almost everyone around you is stuck in "wrong thinking". They're still believing that what you eat, drink, breathe and thing has no effect on how you feel, so they're stuck in the old patterns.
When you decide to get unstuck, you need to get the right support guidance, not only to get you started, but to keep you on path, even when everyone else around you is doing it differently.
Once you experience my 7 step process, you'll have learned the habits that will make you feel like you actually DID trade in your tired, used body for an energetic new one.
Your friends will be asking you what you're doing (and you'll be excited to share).
I'll soon be announcing a teleseminar called "New Hope for Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms and Chronic Exhaustion: A 7-Step System for Identifying and Eliminating Your Energy Zapper" The exact time and date will be announced here in a couple of days.
What I learned in my process is that it's important to have support and guidance when you're working on improving your health. If you wanted to learn to play an instrument or play a new sport, chances are you'd work with a mentor. Why should it be any different with your health?
I'm really excited to be working with an amazing group of women, dedicated to taking charge of their health and creating energy, purpose and comfort in their lives.
We kick off on Monday February 23. There are 2 spots left and I'd love to fill them with fun and dedicated women who want to create vibrant energy and optimal health..
The purpose of the 90 day program you can join these courageous women on is to show you how to uncover the underlying causes of your low energy or sub-optimal health. Throughout our 90 days together you’ll be systematically guided through assessment of all your major organ and glandular systems.
You’ll be shown how to balance and optimize your hormones, rest/movement cycles, digestion, detoxification system, immune system, neurotransmitters and stress response and cellular energy metabolism.
You’ll be guided to make diet and lifestyle changes at your own pace. You’ll be shown how to determine the correct foods for your body, including not only what to eat, but when to eat as well.
You’ll get in touch with just how much you’re missing out on because your health is not the best it can be, and be gently guided to take action and create a life that brings you comfort, joy and fulfilling relationships.
At the end of our 90 days together you’ll feel a renewed sense of well being and experience a level of energy that far exceeds what you experience today…without the use of stimulants.
As a result you’ll see improvements in your relationships, your work performance and your participation in recreational activities. You’ll be playing more often with your kids or grandkids, if you have them.
You’ll have the energy to socialize and have fun in the evenings instead of crashing in front of the TV, or into bed.
You’ll find yourself less snappy and irritable and thus enjoy your relationships more.
You’ll be leaner and more fit, and able to make decisions and focus more easily.
You’ll be celebrating reaching the 90 day bold goal that you’ll set at the outset of the program.
You can claim your spot at http://www.drritamarie.com/90DaysToVibrantEnergy.htm
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
The Women's Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor