I used to do a lot of water color painting, but I haven't painted in a long time. In fact, I haven't picked up a brush in many months. I started the painting to the left over a year ago, and it's still not finished. When I took classes, not only did I paint each week during class, but I was so excited about what I was working on that I'd set aside time during my week to paint.
It really helped me to have a mentor to guide me through the process. Weekly exposure to new techniques helped me to progress at a steady pace. I stopped going to the classes so I could save on travel time and expense, thinking I'd just paint at home, and have even more time to do it. That was a big mistake.
In spite of putting a three hour block of time on my calendar each week for painting, I just never seemed to get around to it. Some excuse or another came up and kept me from doing an activity that brings me so much joy and peace.
It just hit me that I need a mentor or I'll just keep letting the excuses and the pace of life deprive me of the pleasure that art brings me. I've started looking at local art classes through community centers and schools, and I'm planning to get into a class soon. I love creative expression, and I also know how good it is for me. I even started to look at online art classes, too, to see if that's a possibility. I just need some structure and routine to get me started and keep me going.
As I was contemplating the art dilemma, it suddenly hit me. The struggles that my patients and students have with sticking to health enhancing habits are very similar to mine when it comes to making time for art.
Having a mentor , attending classes and keeping in touch with others on the same path makes it so much easier to stick with the program. Getting support is one of the most critical components of any program that requires learning new techniques and having consistent follow-through. Making a commitment to someone else , rather than to just yourself is a great way to ensure success.
If you get support on a regular basis, your healthy choices will just naturally flow and it will get easier. That explains the fabulous results I hear from the participants in my 1 week green cleanse program. The regular reminders, teleseminars and forum keep everyone connected and on track.
In the 7 step coaching process I use with my private clients and patients, getting support is a big piece of the program. In addition to my coaching, I encourage them to create a support structure to help them stay on track when it gets rough. That may involve an accountability partner, attending potlucks, joining a mastermind group or participating in online forums. The results of 12 step programs for addiction hinge strongly on the support of having a sponsor and going to meetings. Why should it be any different as you upgrade lifelong habits to those that support your vibrant health.
I'm determined to get back on track with my art. How determined are you to experience maximum energy and vibrant well-being?
Please comment below and let me know. And I'll keep you posted about my art progress. Make a comitment this week to do one thing consistently everyday that you KNOW will result in more energy and improved health. Your adrenal glands will love it, and it will go a long way towards helping you beat chronic exhaustion and the tired, mentally foggy feeling that keeps you from experiencing the level of joy and fulfillment you want and deserve.
Don't try to make too many changes...just pick one and do it consistently every day this week.
How about eating something green at every meal? Or drinking 2-3 cups of pure water in the morning, before you eat anything? Are you drinking at least one green smoothie every day? Have you been wanting to try a gluten free diet? How about one new gluten free or living foods recipe every day?
Make it simple and follow through. Commit to it by leaving a comment below, in the comment box and let me know the action you are comitting to.
I'll send a prize to everyone who commits this week and comments again next week with a description of the process and the results.
Go ahead. Don't be shy. Comment below and commit to one health promoting action that you'll do every day this week .
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
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