Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Healthy Holiday Traditions
haven't even begun to shop or write cards or
anything. And Hanukkah is just a few days away.
We celebrate both, bringing together the best of
my husband's family traditions and mine. It's
lots of fun.
I have always loved baking for the Holidays. I
have lots of favorite recipes for cookies,
cranberry bread and yummy pies. Since I no longer
eat sugar, flour, butter and all the ingredients
of my old favorite recipes, I had to develop new
The new recipes taste as good or BETTER than my
old favorites. And when I eat these new foods, I
feel great! I no longer feel bloated and like I
need a nap after eating my favorite Christmas
cookies and pies.
Since I've been married to Scott, I've learned
to make Hanukkah foods, too, like Latkes with
homemade applesauce and dairy free sour cream.
together and finally have them ready in the form
of a book. By the time I finished putting in all
the recipes and tips for creating low stress
holiday celebrations, the book ended up being over
160 pages!
I've put together a couple of very special
packages that include my new book, "Healthy
Holiday Traditions: Nourishing Recipes for
Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year's
Celebrations”and I'm ready to share them with
So go on over to
and reserve your copy. The book is in e-book
format, so you can download it instantly. I'm
working on getting a printed version available
too, and those who purchase the e-book during the
next couple of weeks will be offered the print
book at for a nominal upgrade fee.
I'm so excited about this.
I've added some juicy new bonuses, for a limited
time only, and a very special "Deluxe Holiday
Toolkit". When you order the e-book, one of the
bonuses you'll receive is access to an online
video of me making some of the recipes.
Here's a comment from someone who watched the
Holiday Video when I offered it with the
Thanksgiving Feast book:
I just watched the Holiday recipe video...OMG, it
was WONDERFUL!!!! And so helpful! I bought the
e-book, but it makes such a difference to actually
see you putting the elements together!!! THANK YOU
I made several of the recipes at last weekend's
potluck and they were a big hit. I can't wait to
hear your comments!
I wish you a very healthy, happy and stress-free
holiday season. Make some good food, connect with
those you love and above all, give thanks for all
your blessings
Love, Health and Gratitude,
Dr. Ritamarie
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Detoxification: Healing Fatigue and Hormone Imbalance fromt he Inside Out

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Everyone is always looking for answers that are complicated, sophisticated and sexy. The truth is, most health issues have simple solutions. Notice I said there are simple solutions. That doesn't mean they're easy.
In fact, some of the simplest solutions of all are often the hardest to follow.
Most health issues, including chronic fatigue, result from an overwhelmed immune system and a decreased ability to detoxify the environment. There are all sorts of factors that contribute to allergies, and they rank from poor food choices, genetic weakness in the detoxification pathways, excessive exposure to toxins, stress, toxic emotions and a host of other factors.
Many of these problems can be overcome by application of "simple" strategies and deep tissue detoxification.
1- Fresh food: When you're running around chasing after deadlines, it's not always easy to find fresh food. It's certainly not in the vending machines or the fast food joints.
2- Fresh, clean water: Unless you carry your own, it's not generally available, although more and more places carry bottled water. I was in a restuarant last week with family that didn't! What a shock.
3- Fresh air : Our air is filled with chemicals and pollution. Unless you live in a pristine area far far away form the cities, clean air is hard to find. And the indoor air is even worse; it's polluted with all the chemicals used in building materials, carpets, paint and cleanin supplies.
4 - Exercise : When you're working 12 hour a day, taking care of kids, and running a mile a minute to keep up with obligations, finding time to exercise can be a challenge, unless you are dedicated and make it an important part of your day.
5- Positive thoughts : If you listen to the news, read the newspaper or watch TV, the constant reporting of terrifying events, ominous predictions and financial gloom are enough to wear your positive thoughts to the bone.
6- Fulfilling Relationships: When you're working hard just to survive, it's easy to overlook the kind words and deeds and special touches that keep your relationships flourishing.
7- Sunshine : It's lovely, abundant in many parts of the world and elusive to many because we stay cooped up indoors working and taking care of our families.
Your health would improve dramatically if you could incorporate all of the above SIMPLE things into your life on a regular basis.
The hard, cold reality is, try as you might, you'll slip up on some of these "simple" health tips more than you'd like. And when you do, your detoxification pathways suffer and you open yourself for fatigue, lack of focus and illness.
That's why I developed a variety of cleansing and detoxification strategies that I perform at least 3-4 times a year to detoxify my system.
So just how toxic are you? Because there are so many genetic and environmental differences between people, the buildup of toxins effects each of us a bit diferently.
I have a test you can take to assess how much your health has been effected by toxicity. The test has ben around for a long time, and was originally developed by a mentor of mine , Dr. Jeffrey Bland, back in the 1980s.
My webmaster computerized it so that you can take it and get instant feedback.
Here's the link.
It takes about 2 minutes. Invest 2 minutes in yourself today to determine how toxic you are and get a personalized email with tips for improving your health.
To your health and Vibrance
Dr. Ritamarie Losclazo
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thanksgiving e-book with Free online Video Demos
Food temptations abound, as does pressure from often well meaning friends and family members who want to be sure you're enjoying the bounty.
Learn to Make a Fantastically Delicious Meal That Leaves You
Feeling Alive and Energetic
What typically happens after you eat the rich, full course Thanksgiving meal that is the norm in most American families? Do you feel full of life, ready to go for a walk and appreciate the wonders of nature or do you want to collapse in a heap on the couch, bursting at the seams and feeling a bit sluggish?
How would it feel to leave the table on Thanksgiving feeling vibrant and filled with energy and appreciation after enjoying a delicious, satisfying and nutritionally sound meal? There's no need to deprive yourself and eat "rabbit food" in order to feel healthy and energized. There's no need to indulge in the heavy, nutritionally depleted family favorites in order to fit in.
Learn to Prepare a Full Course Holiday Meal of Your Favorite Foods Transformed into Mouth Watering Healthfully Decadent Dishes
Wow your friends and family with your culinary magic, even if you don't consider yourself a cook.
- Thrill yourself with the incredible simplicity and health-giving deliciousness of these quick and easy recipes.
- Stop feeling left out. You can choose health and indulgence with these amazing recipes.
Take a look at the Mouth-Watering Goodies you can easily make as soon as you get your hands on this e-book
- Cranberry Relish – 3 kinds
- Apricot-Pecan Yams
- Field Green Salad with Sliced Pears, Walnuts, & Raspberry Vinaigrette
- Herbed Mashed "Potatoes" with Mushroom Gravy
- Broccoli with "Cheese" Sauce
- Green Beans Almandine with Crispy Onions
- "Braised" Garlic Greens
- Savory Stuffing
- Pumpkin Pie
- Apple Pie a la Mode
- A complete shopping list. All you need to do is take the list to the store and buy all the ingredients in the quantities listed. How could it be easier?
- A complete preparation timetable that allows you to spread the work over several days and time everything to be ready for your Thanksgiving meal. No more guessing or fretting, and remembering to do all the steps to insure that the foods are completed on time.
Enjoy the holidays and keep your waistline in tact.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Have a Healthy Halloween
Halloween is a fun holiday, especially for kids. My teenage son, Eric has been to several haunted houses with his friends and spent hours at a costume store, picking out just the right mask.
My preteen son, Kevin, loves trick or treating and eagerly anticipates what's going to be in his goodie bag...the one I'll trade him for the candy he collects.
Even though we don't eat candy, and we end up throwing away all the candy collected at Halloween, the kids still have a blast!
We have our own rituals and festivities after the trick or treating is over. Trick or treating is a social event. They used to just collect money for UNICEF, but after a while they got tired of telling the well-meaning adults "No thanks" on the candy and started coming home with bags full. At first they thought they could just give it to their friends. Then they realized that they liked their friends too much to add to the already too large a strain on their immune systems and decided it best to throw it away. Wasteful??? Not hardly. Every piece we throw away is one less that some one eats and that saves them hours of a depressed immune system.
You see, sugar depresses the immune system. It's been measured to decrease the activity of the T-cells, the "protector cells" by as much as 50% for 4 hours after just 2 teaspoons of sugar. Your typical soft drink contains 8 teaspoons.
With all the fear of the flu going around these days, isn't it nice to know that there is an easy way to support your immune system and protect yourself and your kids from the flu? Supporting their immune system naturally is far more effective than any flu vaccine....and much safer. I held a special "emergency" immune system support and flu prevention teleclass at the beginning of the month. The recordings are available at http://drritamarie.com/FluProtection-TeleClass-SignUp.php
A Nobel prize winning researcher named Otto Warberger showed the connection between sugar and cancer back in the 1930's! Sugar's adverse effects can be seen throughout your body. Here's a passage abut sugar from my new book, Healthy Halloween Treats
"Sugar can also impair the structure of DNA, cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children, weaken eyesight, contribute to eczema, interfere with the absorption of protein, decrease the activity of your T cells, which contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection, contribute to Candida (yeast) infections and contribute to osteoporosis. "
There are more little known facts about sugar in Healthy Halloween Treats, as well as healthier alternatives to the candy and cupcakes and other harmful foods that are usually associated with Halloween.
Junk food doesn't just promote tooth decay and hyperactivity. It is life-threatening!! Here are some statistics from Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a "radical" medical doctor who treats his patients with broccoli and other fresh fruits and vegetables.
"The CDC estimates that 1/3 of children born in 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime, and that children born in 2000 may not outlive their parents. Overweight/obesity rates have doubled among children and tripled among adolescents in the past 20 years. Obesity in children increases their risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, joint problems, sleep apnea, early puberty, and several cancers. Signs of atherosclerosis can be seen in early childhood. Most adult cancers are linked to poor childhood nutrition. Sugar contributes to violence. 69% of the 10 year olds who were violent at the age of 34 had eaten sweets and chocolate nearly every day during childhood, compared to 42% who were non-violent."
As a parent or an adult responsible for the nutrition of a child, you have the responsibility to educate yourself. Allowing your children to indulge in junk food sets them up for childhood illnesses, cancers, and poor quality life. As parents, you must take control of your children's health! You must set a good example and protect them from the dangers of indulging in the Halloween sweets and treats that are harming them.
For more information on the health risks the modern western diet imposes on kids, read Dr. Fuhrman's book Disease Proof Your Child
It's sad how much misinformation abounds. The American Academy of Family Physicians is clueless about counseling parents about healthy diet for kids. They just announced a corporate sponsorship with Coca-Cola to develop their consumer education content on to beverages and sweeteners for their health and wellness web site, FamilyDoctor.org. Coca-Cola is certainly not going to include the information about how dangerous soft drinks are, will they? How can you trust your family physician if their association is getting its nutrition education from CocaCola? According to Dr. Fuhrman, on his blog , Disease Proof, the American Dietetic Association also accepts money from Coca-Cola, as well as from PepsiCo, Kellogg’s, General Mills, Mars and the National Dairy Council.
I know it's hard to say no to your favorite holiday goodies. Yet you owe it to yourself and your family to learn the cold hard facts and act on them. In Healthy Halloween Treats I give you all you need to maintain the joy and playfulness of the holiday and keep it nutritious and safe at the same time. Try some banana ghosts, chocolate covered apples, chocolate spiders or swampsicles. Your kids will love it and they'll thank you when they realize later how much pain and suffering you saved them by making healthy choices for them.
Happy Halloween.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Flu Protection naturally: 5 Tips for a Healthy and Strong Immune System for Life
Before you jump in line with your sleeves rolled up, ready to get the flu shot , I urge you to do some research of your own so you can make an informed decision. The main ingredient in any vaccine is either killed viruses or live ones that have been weakened and made less harmful. If your immune system is weak to begin with, the vaccine could make you sick.
Another danger of flu vaccines is the chemicals they may contain, such as ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol and thimerasol(mercury containing preservative) . There has been legislation passed to remove thimerasol from all vaccines because it has been correlated with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. That ban was lifted so as to get the swine flu vaccine to market faster.
While there is a lot of reliable information on the web about the swine flu vaccine, there is also a lot of garbage. I have quotes below form what I believe are reliable sources.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny one of the country's most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health, has a lot of good information about the swine flu vaccine as well as other vaccines. I suggest studying her information before making a decision. .
I found her article The Truth About the Flu Shot to be particularly enlightening.
An article was published in Natural Health News last Monday called Vaccine Revolt.
In it, Mike Adams explores the hype and the dangers of the vaccine. Here are a few highlights, interspersed with my comments:
1- more than fifty percent of moms are refusing to expose their children to the swine flu vaccine, and nurses and health practitioners across the US and UK are going vocal with their opposition to the vaccine.
2- Swine flu is actually no more deadly than a normal seasonal flu
3- While there is evidence showing that the vaccine produces antibodies, the mere existence of vaccine-induced antibodies doesn't directly translate into functional, real-world immunity!
4- The vaccine has not been properly safety tested by the FDA or the drug companies. They were approved by the FDA with a waiver, bypassing the normal process of long-term safety testing that the public expects the FDA to enforce.
Dr. Mercola published several good articles on the swine flu vaccine. One called Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed discusses the dangers of the adjuvants put in vaccines, and this one in particular, squalene, that's supposedly in the swine flu vaccine.
Dr. Mercola's says:
"The purpose of an adjuvant added to a vaccine is to enhance your immune response to the vaccination. Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.
A study published in the American Journal of Pathology demonstrated that a single injection of squalene into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation,” also known as rheumatoid arthritis.
Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.
The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.
Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system. "
You may be wondering how to protect yourself from the flu if you don't get the vaccine? The secret is to build a strong immune system.
I've shared 5 ways below. For more you can sign up to receive the recording of a teleclass I held a couple of weeks ago on this Immune Boosting, Flu Protection Strategies
1- Give you immune system the nutrients it needs to fight infection. These include Vitamin C, beta carotene, bioflavinoids, magnesium, zinc, B-vitamins and omega 3 fats. And how do you get these nutrients? My favorite sources are fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, root vegetables and raw seeds like flax, hemp, chia and pumpkin. The best way to insure that what you eat has the highest nutrient content is to eat these foods in their fresh, raw, organic and natural state. Fresh pressed green juices are extremely nutrient dense, as are green smoothies.
2- Get lots of fresh air and sunshine. Vitamin D is one of the key nutrients in immune health. Studies show that you can knock out the flu within a few days by taking very high doses of oral vitamin D. The best source of Vitamin D is the one made by your body when you're exposed to natural sunlight during the peak UV times of the day, approximately 11AM -4PM. If you're unable to do this then you need a Vitamin D supplement
3- Cleansing your body from the inside out. Giving your system a rest from heavy foods, stress and constant activity allows it to get rid of the waste products that accumulate as a result of your busy lifestyle and exposure to toxins in food, air and water. The simplest way I've found to cleanse is using Green Smoothies. I conduct a guided green smoothie cleanse about 5 times a year and I never cease to be amazed at the results people get. What better way to prepare yourself for the flu season that to do a Green Smoothie Cleanse. For details, refer to http://www.GreenSMoothieCleanse.com
4- Get plenty of rest and sleep. Studies show that the less sleep you get the more likely you are to get sick. Your body repairs and cleanses from the day while you sleep. If you sleep less than 4 hours a day, this ability is severely impaired, leaving you susceptible to illness. Don't chance it. Get at least 6 hours of sleep each night, and 8 is closer to ideal.
5- Avoid sugar and processed food like the plague...because it is like the plague! At this time of year it's particularly pervasive. Sugar abounds. Halloween is coming in a couple of weeks, and with it the onslaught of candy and processed junk food. Did you know that there is a 50% decrease in the effectiveness of your white blood cells to fight infection for up to 4 hours after eating just 2 teaspoon of sugar? Imagine your poor immune system after Halloween, if you continue to eat the traditional treats. There is an alternative. My book Healthy Halloween Treats is filled with delicious recipes and information to keep you healthy this year. It's available at http://www.drritamarie.com/Halloween
To learn about the power of greens to improve your immune system, watch the replays of a 3 hour talk with Victoria and Sergei Boutenko. In addition to the latest research on greens, nutritional deficiencies and green smoothies, we learned about identifying the weeds in our lawns that are more nutritious than the greens in the supermarket...and they're free.
I wish for you the joy and freedom that a strong and healthy immune system brings.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What Do I Love Lucy and Your Liver Have in Common?
When I'm asked questions like, "How do I cure my fibromyalgia and overcome Chronic Fatigue" or "How can I get my thyroid in balance?" I reply that these conditions are a result of overload by toxins. Adrenal exhaustion, arthritis, irritable bowel, eczema, depression and just about any condition you can name can all be traced to toxicity.
We're surrounded by toxins. They are in the air, in the food, in the water and in our thoughts and emotions. After all the processing takes what once was a real food is nothing but empty calories, oxidized fats and enough free radicals to cause a revolution!Cleansing is something your body knows how to do, as long as it doesn't get overloaded. Listen in for some tips and tricks on how to eliminate the toxins.
For support in cleansing, visit www.GreenSmoothieCleanse.com
Lucy and Ethel show what happens when the liver gets overloaded with toxins. You can help by doing Green Smoothie Cleanse or a Juice Cleanse
I now do mini cleanses at least 4 times a year. It changed my life. Give cleansing a try. It will change your life too.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Monday, August 03, 2009
Eating Our Way Through Austin: A raw and Living Foods Culinary Adventure
This weekend has seemed like an eating and socialization orgy. What a nice break ! Friday night was date night with my husband, Scott. It was supposed to be an evening out with out of town friends, Tonya and Cody of http://www.JourneyofHealth.net, but they were delayed in their travel plans, so Scott and I took the opportunity to have an evening out anyway.
We went for dinner at Daily Juice Cafe and had a delicious meal. Scott had Caesar salad and a coconut barbecue wrap and I had an enchilada and a not egg salad wrap. We each had a green smoothie, too. The food was delicious.
When Tonya and Cody arrived on Saturday afternoon, I took them to Borboletas Living Gourmet for lunch. The food was delicious and they were thoroughly impressed, since they have no living foods restaurants in Calgary. Tonya and Cody's 8 month old Daughter Abby enjoyed the food as much as we did, and Grandma Jean was excited that Borboleta's served coffee and chocolate pie.
Since Tonya was on day 62 of a 92 day juice cleanse, we went to Daily Juice Barton Springs afterwards for a green juice then we went to check out a new store called Natural Grocers. There we stocked up on produce at amazing prices. What an exciting find.
We topped off the day with a living and raw foods potluck at my home. We had a huge turnout...in the neighborhood of 70 people. It's exciting that so many people are discovering Living Foods and desiring to learn more.
The weekend was topped off with another trip to Daily Juice Cafe with Tonya and Cody, where we met our friends the Osborne's. Mom Karen and daughter Lauren were celebrating their birthdays and we had another amazing meal.
Below are some photos of our food.
Austin is a great place to live if you enjoy eating treating yourself to gourmet living foods and fresh whole foods that nourish and satisfy! Here's a rundown of our wonderful restaurants that have plentiful Raw and Living Foods Selections. If you have any to add, please comment below.
1- Daily Juice Cafe - Full menu raw living cuisine with an international flair (mainly Mexican and Thai)
2-Borboleta's Gourmet Living Foods Cafe - Dine in or take out gourmet living cuisine. Also serves alcohol and coffee
3- Coming Soon - Beet's Cafe - Full service raw and living foods cafe with sit down service
4- Whole Foods Downtown Raw Foods Cafe
5- Cheer-up Charlies Roadside Stand : Serves raw vegan and cooked vegan sandwiches, drinks and desserts
6- Casa De Luz macrobiotic, vegan, gluten free with huge salads and sea vegetable salads
7- Daily Juice Original Juice Bars and Snack Shops - 2 locations : juices, smoothies and take out items from the cafe
8- Fresh Choice Huge salad bar with lots of raw vegetables. Also serves meat and standard American fare.
Have fun!
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Friday, June 12, 2009
Amazing Greens: Raw and Living Foods to Fight Chronic Fatigue and Adrenal Exhaustion
By now, I'm sure you've heard the phrase "You are what you eat", haven't you? But have you really thought about what that means? Each and every bit of food that enters your body will either be eliminated or become part of your cellular structure! Since it takes about 7 years to replace every cell in your body, the twinkie you ate 5 years ago is likely to still be lurking somewhere in your cell walls, zapping your energy, challenging your immune system and altering your brain chemistry. SCARY thought, isn't it? Boosting Your Immune System, Your Energy and Your Health There are actions you can take to profoundly change your body, boost your immune system, jumpstart your energy and protect you from the ravages of degenerative disease and cancer. It's easier that you think to rearrange your body on a cellular level and restore you to pristine health. There's no rocket science involved...just some simple choices that you can make in the most important room in the house...your KITCHEN. Are you interested in skyrocketing your energy so you can ENJOY your life to the fullest? I can't imagine abundant energy and joy not appealing to you! What you eat turns into who you are. If you eat hydrogenated fat laden processed foods, your cell walls become brittle and unable to effectively transfer nutrients in and waste out. If you eat foods that contain man made chemicals and toxic waste products, your liver will package them in fat to protect your vital organs and glands and you'll gain weight. If you eat chlorophyll, enzyme and oxygen rich green plant foods, you'll become energetic, strong and well nourished. Which outcome would you prefer? There are two main reasons most people fail to eat enough green food. 1- They are not aware of the benefits of eating an abundance of green foods. 2- they have no idea how to make the greens taste delicious. The 3 MOST nutritious foods you can eat are: Learn to make these foods, and include them in dishes you already eat. Once you do, you'll be able to experience culinary delight and nutritional abundance, all in one package. I've included these foods in soups, smoothies, crackers, brownies, shakes, dressings, dips, salads, sandwiches, spreads and many more dishes. My 25 years of experimentation with these foods has produced hundreds of delicious recipes. How to Learn to Incorporate GREENS into your diet: 1- buy a recipe book and experiment Greens can change your life, save your life and make your life worth living. Learn as much as you can about these valuable foods and make them a major part of your diet EVERY day. |
A delicious example of powerful green food:Creamy Garlic Dill Kelp Noodles with Cucumber Ingredients 1/4 cup fresh dill 1/2 cup cashews, macadamia nuts or pine nuts Directions |
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Solutions for Adrenal fatigue, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
80% of American women will suffer from Adrenal Fatigue at some point in their lives. 20% of Americans have fatigue symptoms so intense that they interfere with their ability to lead a normal life. 50% of adults who seek medical treatment complain of feeling tired all the time. Most of them are women.
Whether you're suffering with fibromyalgia as are 3.7 million Americans, or have hypothyroidism, or chronic fatigue or just plain feel exhausted much ofl the time and don't know why, you need to do something about it and you need to do it right away. Your life is slipping away, and you're missing out on all the joy and fulfillment that is your birthright to step into and live.
If you've been told that there's nothing to be done and offered drugs to ease your suffering, it's time for you to take charge of your health and get this problem resolved.
On Monday evening June 1 I'll be leading a FREE teleseminar called "The 3 myths about fatigue That Every Woman Should Know" and I'd like you to join me. The call will be taped, so if you can't make it live, you can listen in on the recording.
I did a LIVE version of the workshop on Friday evening in Austin and everyone took away a few techniques guaranteed to increase their energy.
How would your life be improved if you had more energy? Find out how.
Join me this evening Monday June 1 for "3 Myths About Fatigue That Every Woman Should Know". Sign up here:
Sign Up for 3 Myths about Fatigue Teleclass
The Get Your Green on Class is another way to improve your energy and overcome chronic fatigue.
Learning to make delicious comfort foods and exciting new healthy ways is a necessary part of overcoming chronic fatigue. Our special guests Gideon and Jackie Graff will be preparing a for a 6 course Country Barbecue Raw Vegan meal on Tuesday June 2 and you can partake and learn how to make it yourself. to register, click on Country Barbecue Raw Vegan meal.
I hope to be talking to you soon.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Friday, May 29, 2009
Raw Chocolate Pudding Recipe
Go to Dr. Ritamarie's Fresh n Fun Living Blog for details.
Love, Health and Joy
Dr. Ritamarie
Resources For Vibrant Health and Energy: Overcome chronic fatigue, Adrenal exhaustion and more...
Energy is life. Without it, the world would cease to function. Are you living your energy potential? Is there room for improvement?
No successful person achieves their success alone. Every competent athlete has a coach. Every prosperous business owner has mentors to advise and guide them. Just like me, you need coaches and mentors to empower you in each of the areas of your life in which you'd like to achieve success.
Let us be your guides on your health journey. Join us for one or more of these empowering and inspiring events. You'll be happy that you did.
For full calendar of events visit http://www.drritamarie.com/ClassesandWorkshops.php
May 29: 3 Myths about Fatigue that Every Woman Should Know is an interactive workshop to empower you as a powerful woman to experience life to your full potential. You may be experiencing full blown fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia or CFS or maybe you're just more tired than you'd like to be. The truth is you have a right to live your life to its fullest, and that means experiencing vibrant energy and joy. If you're not, join me for this life changing workshop on Friday, May 29 from 7-9PM at Casa de Luz in Austin, Texas. Not near Austin? Sign up for the teleseminar version of 3 Myths about Fatigue on Monday June 1 at 7:30 PM Central time. Go to http://www.TheWomensFatigueExpert.com for details and registration.
May 30: Raw and Living Food Meetup and Pool Party Austin, Texas.
June 1: 3 Myths about Fatigue that Every Woman Should Know Teleseminar
June 2: Raw and Living Foods Country Barbecue Class and Full Course Meal
7:00 - 9:00 PM Austin Texas Live and all over the world on Webcast
In this 2 hour talk, Jackie and Gideon Graff will demonstrate how to prepare a Country Barbeque Meal using all fresh, whole living foods. County Line Watch out...you're going to have some competition! You’ll be served a complete 6 course meal. The menu will include: BBQ Nibs, BBQ Sauce, Brunswick Stew, Spicy Marinated Collard Greens, Deviled Tomatoes, Apple Pie and Nut and Dates Pie Crust.
This class is an amazing offer at only $39. Where else can you get a full 6 course living foods meal AND 2 hours of instruction.
Webcast version is only $25.
June 7 - June 14 Dr. Ritamarie's Amazing, Life Changing Green Cleanse
In just 7 Days you can jumpstart your dragging body and start feeling more vibrant and energetic than you even realized was possible. Just in time for summer, get your body in shape and your energy fired up to enjoy vacations and outdoor fun.
June 14 Get Your Green On Class - Live in Austin, Texas and All Over the World on the webcast12:30 - 6:30 PM
Green vegetables have many life giving properties. They strengthen the blood and immune systems, prevent cancer and fight depression naturally by supplying a plethora of nutrients needed to make neurotransmitters. The good news is that greens, when eaten in sufficient quantity on a daily basis, can give you all these and more.
I want you to have more energy, glowing skin, a strong lean body and vibrant health.
So come Get Your Green On!
Love, Helath and Joy,Dr. Ritamarie
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I'm thrilled and excited to welcome a very special couple to Austin. They have been spreading the message of vibrant health through self care for several years, and have done a wonderful job of bringing together experts in the field of nutrition and fitness. Now they are traveling the nation in a vegetable powered RV by the name of Kale Whale, spreading the word of the healing powers of fresh whole, green and alive plant foods.
On March 18, 2009, Kevin and Annmarie Gianni of Renegade Health will be making a special guest appearance in Austin for a raw potluck and a presentation.
Kevin and Ann Marie have been spreading the word of health through green living foods and self care to tens of thousands of people via their daily video blog and expert interviews.
Please join me in welcoming Kevin and Annmarie to Austin and hear all about their exciting cross country journey.
To sign-up, and learn about the healing power of raw and living foods, share a meal and be inspired by Kevin and Annmarie, go to www.drritamarie.com/meetup
I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
"Creating Vibrant Health One Bite at a Time"
(c) 2009 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Exciting News For You if You Have Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Exhaustion or Would Just Like to Have More Energy
Have you ever thought about things you might be doing if you just had more time and energy to get to them?
Did you ever wish you were one of those people who could jump out of bed every morning, enthusiastic about starting a new day?
Perhaps you've been struggling with fatigue and exhaustion for as long as you can remember, or maybe you're just feeling a little more tired than you used to and you'd like to have more energy for living your life with purpose and pleasure.
Either way, I have some very important news for you.
I'm going to do my best to contain my excitement here, but quite frankly, that's hard to do. You see, to say that I'm passionate about what I'm about to tell you would be an understatement.Maybe you've been told that it's "normal" to be less than boundlessly energetic at "your age". Or perhaps you've been told that you have chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia, or hormone imbalances or low thyroid or depression or adrenal fatigue, and you'll just have to learn to live with it, or take medication to keep it from getting worse.
The good news (or should I say GREAT news) is that you have within you the ability to make it better. You see, it's not your fault. You just haven't been given the tools and the guidance to uncover the underlying causes of your fatigue. You haven't been taught how to fix your broken energy producing systems and regain your vim, vigor and lust for living.
Vibrant Energy is Yours for The Asking When You Apply Dr. Ritamarie's Simple, Proven Strategy
I've coached many people, possibly even some just like you, who are so grateful to be really living again, and accomplishing things they never thought possible.
Like the 33 year old woman who spent her days on the couch, unable to do even the simplest of tasks, like making lunch, without becoming exhausted. Now she is a highly paid IT consultant, takes art classes and teaches communication seminars on weekends. Talk about getting your life back.
Or the special education teacher with fatigue related to thyroid problems, who's cysts have shrunk and thyroid tests begun to normalize. Oh, yeah, she's now teaching the power of fresh whole foods to her friends and colleagues. Plus she's taking classes so that she can become a health educator and counselor and help others just as she's been helped.
HIPAA regulations (privacy in medicine) prevent me from revealing their names in public, but their stories and those of hundreds of others like them, fill the file cabinets in my office.
You'll be amazed to hear that the answers are quite simple
1- Identify and Remove the underlying causes of your fatigue
2- Repair the damage that's been caused by these causes
3- Add back in the diet and lifestyle factors that have been missing and balance what's out of balance
4- Create a support structure to insure that your new habits stick with you for life
Chances Are You've Heard the Expression "You ARE What You Eat!"
But have you ever really thought about it?
The foods that you eat make a huge difference in your quality of life. But what are the right foods?
Identifying the right foods for YOU is an important part of solving the puzzle, but there's more. Just eating the right foods doesn't guarantee that you're digesting and absorbing the right foods. And if you don't get the nutrients INTO your cells, you can't extract the energy from them, and you'll still be tired. To get the nutrients into your cells requires optimizing your digestion, immune system and hormonal systems, as well as enjoying low stress mealtimes.
And I'm not just preaching at you. About 25 years ago, I was like just like most of you. I was fueling myself on caffeine and sugar, burning the candle at both ends, and was plagued by nagging symptoms like sinus congestion, heartburn, headaches and fatigue. My weight fluctuated weekly, as I yo-yo'ed between the latest fad diet and binging till it hurt. Quite frankly I was a mess.
It was really frustrating, until I discovered the connection between what I was eating and how I was living my life and how I was feeling. I experimented for years, devouring every book, tape and article I could find on health and nutrition. I was determined to fix my broken body, and after I did, I gave up my successful career in high tech and went back to school to earn the privilege of helping others to repair theirs too.
Using whole, fresh, plant based foods, mostly alive and raw, in proper proportion for my body's unique needs, along with detoxification, stress transformation methods, exercise, attitude and a green environment, I completely transformed my health. Now, in my fifties, I have boundless energy without any caffeine and I lead a joyous and fulfilling life, showing others to do the same.
The Cure is Right Under Your Nose
It's in the kitchen, the bedroom and at the office. It's at your local grocers, in your garden and at the park. It's literally all around you, in the activities you do EVERY day. And it's not exactly rocket science, but because you've been so inundated by the wrong messages, that it's hard to see it clearly.
The hardest part about overcoming your health and energy challenges is that almost everyone around you is stuck in "wrong thinking". They're still believing that what you eat, drink, breathe and thing has no effect on how you feel, so they're stuck in the old patterns.
When you decide to get unstuck, you need to get the right support guidance, not only to get you started, but to keep you on path, even when everyone else around you is doing it differently.
Once you experience my 7 step process, you'll have learned the habits that will make you feel like you actually DID trade in your tired, used body for an energetic new one.
Your friends will be asking you what you're doing (and you'll be excited to share).
I'll soon be announcing a teleseminar called "New Hope for Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms and Chronic Exhaustion: A 7-Step System for Identifying and Eliminating Your Energy Zapper" The exact time and date will be announced here in a couple of days.What I learned in my process is that it's important to have support and guidance when you're working on improving your health. If you wanted to learn to play an instrument or play a new sport, chances are you'd work with a mentor. Why should it be any different with your health?
I'm really excited to be working with an amazing group of women, dedicated to taking charge of their health and creating energy, purpose and comfort in their lives.
We kick off on Monday February 23. There are 2 spots left and I'd love to fill them with fun and dedicated women who want to create vibrant energy and optimal health..
The purpose of the 90 day program you can join these courageous women on is to show you how to uncover the underlying causes of your low energy or sub-optimal health. Throughout our 90 days together you’ll be systematically guided through assessment of all your major organ and glandular systems.
You’ll be shown how to balance and optimize your hormones, rest/movement cycles, digestion, detoxification system, immune system, neurotransmitters and stress response and cellular energy metabolism.
You’ll be guided to make diet and lifestyle changes at your own pace. You’ll be shown how to determine the correct foods for your body, including not only what to eat, but when to eat as well.
You’ll get in touch with just how much you’re missing out on because your health is not the best it can be, and be gently guided to take action and create a life that brings you comfort, joy and fulfilling relationships.
At the end of our 90 days together you’ll feel a renewed sense of well being and experience a level of energy that far exceeds what you experience today…without the use of stimulants.
As a result you’ll see improvements in your relationships, your work performance and your participation in recreational activities. You’ll be playing more often with your kids or grandkids, if you have them.
You’ll have the energy to socialize and have fun in the evenings instead of crashing in front of the TV, or into bed.
You’ll find yourself less snappy and irritable and thus enjoy your relationships more.
You’ll be leaner and more fit, and able to make decisions and focus more easily.
You’ll be celebrating reaching the 90 day bold goal that you’ll set at the outset of the program.
You can claim your spot at http://www.drritamarie.com/90DaysToVibrantEnergy.htm
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
The Women's Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Feeling tired a lot of the time? Wishing you had the energy to make it past the have-to's on your list and get to do the want-to's?
You're not alone. Some sources report that up to 50% of all visits to the doctor are for symptoms of fatigue, exhaustion and mental sluggishness. In all my years of practice, I've found that just about everyone I see wishes that they had more energy and less fatigue related symptoms.
I'll be writing a lot about fatigue and exhaustion, including adrenal fatigue symptoms and "brain fog", in the coming weeks. I'll be reviewing the causes, symptoms and treatment approaches.
Tip of the Day: Avoid Energy Zapping Foods: Unfortunatley, most of the foods in the standard American Diet, sometimes known as the SAD diet, are energy zappers. Here are a few that you'd be best served to avoid.
1- Refined sugar disrupts the mitochondria, the cellular energy powerhouses, by robbing them of the B-vitamins and minerals they need to convert sugar to energy. While you might feel a temporary high from sugar containing foods, you’ll notice that you quickly experience post sugar fatigue symptoms, and you reach for more.
2- Refined flour , whether it's wheat or gluten free white rice, refined flour has been stripped of its B- vitamins and has a similar effect to that of refined sugar.
3- Caffeine whips your cells into action, without actually providing any nourishment. The result is a post caffeine fatigue, followed by the urge to consume more to get your energy back up, albeit artificially and temporarily.
4- Alcohol disrupts the mitochondria, stresses the liver and damages brain cells. Does this sound like a prescription for improving your energy and mental clarity?
5- Trans fats, also known as hydrogenated fats and oxidized fats are probably the most damaging of all. They create free radical damage to blood vessels, disrupt the DNA, create cell membranes that are more rigid and thus less able to transport nutrients into the cells and wastes out. This leaves your cells sluggish and toxic. Oxidized fats also disrupt your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to infection. I'm sure you know from experience how exhausted you get from infectious illnesses.
ACTION PLAN: for more energy and less adrenal fatigue symptoms, pick one energy zapping food that you 've been eating and ZAP it out of your diet. Make your way through the list one at a time, making suitable, energy enhancing substitutions (more in a later post) . You'll probably notice an energy boost almost immediately.
Comment below and let me know which one you're choosing first. Then write back in a few days and let me know how it's going.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Creator of the 90 days to Vibrant Energy Program
"Creating Vibrant Health, One Bite at a Time"
Austin, Texas 78730
© 2008 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.
Monday, February 09, 2009
I used to do a lot of water color painting, but I haven't painted in a long time. In fact, I haven't picked up a brush in many months. I started the painting to the left over a year ago, and it's still not finished. When I took classes, not only did I paint each week during class, but I was so excited about what I was working on that I'd set aside time during my week to paint.
It really helped me to have a mentor to guide me through the process. Weekly exposure to new techniques helped me to progress at a steady pace. I stopped going to the classes so I could save on travel time and expense, thinking I'd just paint at home, and have even more time to do it. That was a big mistake.
In spite of putting a three hour block of time on my calendar each week for painting, I just never seemed to get around to it. Some excuse or another came up and kept me from doing an activity that brings me so much joy and peace.
It just hit me that I need a mentor or I'll just keep letting the excuses and the pace of life deprive me of the pleasure that art brings me. I've started looking at local art classes through community centers and schools, and I'm planning to get into a class soon. I love creative expression, and I also know how good it is for me. I even started to look at online art classes, too, to see if that's a possibility. I just need some structure and routine to get me started and keep me going.
As I was contemplating the art dilemma, it suddenly hit me. The struggles that my patients and students have with sticking to health enhancing habits are very similar to mine when it comes to making time for art.
Having a mentor , attending classes and keeping in touch with others on the same path makes it so much easier to stick with the program. Getting support is one of the most critical components of any program that requires learning new techniques and having consistent follow-through. Making a commitment to someone else , rather than to just yourself is a great way to ensure success.
If you get support on a regular basis, your healthy choices will just naturally flow and it will get easier. That explains the fabulous results I hear from the participants in my 1 week green cleanse program. The regular reminders, teleseminars and forum keep everyone connected and on track.
In the 7 step coaching process I use with my private clients and patients, getting support is a big piece of the program. In addition to my coaching, I encourage them to create a support structure to help them stay on track when it gets rough. That may involve an accountability partner, attending potlucks, joining a mastermind group or participating in online forums. The results of 12 step programs for addiction hinge strongly on the support of having a sponsor and going to meetings. Why should it be any different as you upgrade lifelong habits to those that support your vibrant health.
I'm determined to get back on track with my art. How determined are you to experience maximum energy and vibrant well-being?
Please comment below and let me know. And I'll keep you posted about my art progress. Make a comitment this week to do one thing consistently everyday that you KNOW will result in more energy and improved health. Your adrenal glands will love it, and it will go a long way towards helping you beat chronic exhaustion and the tired, mentally foggy feeling that keeps you from experiencing the level of joy and fulfillment you want and deserve.
Don't try to make too many changes...just pick one and do it consistently every day this week.
How about eating something green at every meal? Or drinking 2-3 cups of pure water in the morning, before you eat anything? Are you drinking at least one green smoothie every day? Have you been wanting to try
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Karen Knowler is offering a FR^EE teleseminar called "How to Design and Create a Raw Food Class that Fills Up Every Time!"
She has me intrigued, and I'll be attending even though I've taught dozens and dozens of classes, quite effectively and successfully. I'm of the belief that I can always learn more, so I registered for Karen's class. After all, it's FR^E^E.
I've worked with Karen in the past, and learned a LOT about business from her. She's bright, lively and fun to be around.
Karen asks: "Are you ready to learn how to create, market, fill and teach raw food classes that you love to teach, that delight your audience over and over again AND enable you to create or enhance your living?"
If your answer is YES, then this teleclass is for YOU!
It happens on Wednesday Feb 4 at 3PM Central time. It will be recorded in case you can't make it. But you need to register to get the recording. For details and to sign-up, go to
I've already reserved my spot.
Here's the link again:
Friday, January 30, 2009
One of the issues I hear a lot is that it's hard to make diet changes while living in the world of glittery processed foods and social pressures. Temptations abound and sometimes you may feel all alone.
Having a support system in place is an important part of adopting a diet and life style program that goes against the grain. My monthly raw foods potlucks were started to provide such support. If you live in or near Austin Texas, please join us this Saturday evening, January 31 for our next event. It's a great way to make new friends, learn new recipes and connect with people who are supportive of your diet and lifestyle choices.
For more details about the potluck, go to http://www.drritamarie.com/meetup and sign up.
After dinner, I'll be sharing some ideas about eating to combat fatigue and exhaustion, or to simply increase your energy level so that you can enjoy your life more fully.
If there is time and interest after the talk, we'll choose a health empowering DVD to watch together.
Not sure what to bring? There are details at http://www.drritamarie.com/potluck.htm
Need some raw foods recipe ideas? Get your Greens recipes at
http://www.drritamarie.com/green .
Dessert recipes can be found in the FREE ebook you can download from
I hope to see you soon.
Love, Health and Joy
Dr. Ritamarie
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gluten Free Diets: Fad or the Answer to your Prayers?
What do the following seemingly unrelated symptoms have in common: joint pain, skin rashes, poor balance, depression, ADD, diarrhea, thyroid problems? Give up? The answer is something that you likely encounter every day, if you’re anything like the average American.
Gluten is a protein found the seeds of the grass family of plants, including wheat, rye, barley, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats. Do you enjoy eating bread, pasta crackers or muffins? They all contain gluten, a protein that’s getting lots of press these days.
The effects of gluten are widespread, and include intestinal upset—gas, bloating, diarrhea, irritable bowel etc and a wide range of mental and emotional problems, including depression, ADD, autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, balance problems, epilepsy, numbness and tingling, Oh yeah, I forgot to mention dermatitis.Gluten free diets have been found to help people with autoimmune diseases and thyroid problems as well. Perhaps Oprah should consider 6 months of strict gluten avoidance and see how her thyroid acts then.
This is the first of a 5 part series exploring the myths, fears and truths around a gluten free diet. Oh, yeah. Recipes will follow too. I’ve been on a gluten free diet now for many years, and it’s not as hard as you’d think, once you get a few good tools and tricks under your belt.
A groundbreaking new book, called “The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your Health--And What You Can Do to Take Control” by Shari Lieberman is a must read if you’re dealing with fatigue, digestive disturbances, depression, focus problems, and any vague neurologic symptoms.
To be continued....
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Follow me on twitter: http://drritamarie.com/twitter
Be my friend on facebook: http://drritamarie.com/facebook
"Creating Vibrant Health, One Bite at a Time"
Achieve maximum energy, ideal weight and mental clarity . FR*EE e-book at http://www.GreenFoodMagic.com
© 2008 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.
Kelp Noodles: An awesome raw foods recipe alternative to Gluten-Free noodles
I'm so excited about these , Kelp Noodles available from Raw Food World . They're made from highly nutritious kelp and a pinch of extra sodium alginate to hold them together.
I'll be posting some recipes and an article about how they can be helpful for thyroid disorders. Given Oprah's recent discussions, thyroid problems are on a lot of minds these days.
The article and recipes will be at within a day or two at http://www.drritamarie.com/blog
Thursday, January 15, 2009
By doing a week of green smoothies in place of your meals without any added fats helps rest and rejuvenate your liver. One of my past cleanse participants told me last week that during the last cleanse she did with me, her autoimmune symptoms disappeared and she had so much energy she was bouncing through her day. That's big. A few of the many success stories from the cleanses of this past year are posted on the Green Smoothie Cleanse web page. There are so many exciting stories, that I may just create a separate page so I can share all of them.
To get started with green smoothies, you need a blender, some greens and some fruit. You can follow recipes or make up your own. The Green Cleanse Recipe Guide and Menu Planner has over 50 recipes, plus instructions on making up your own. I have a new book I'll be releasing this year that has over 150 green smoothie variations. I also have a mini recipe guide and menu planner
Here's a delicious one I has yesterday. This makes almost a whole Vitamix full (64 ounces), so if you have a smaller blender, cut it in half.
Tropical Cherry Paradise
- 1/2 a pineapple, skin removed
- 1 mango
- 1 cup frozen cherries
- 1 cup frozen peaches
- 4 handfuls pre-washed baby spinach (about 1/2 of a 1 pound tub)
- a few dandelion leaves
Blend and serve. I didn't add any water to keep it thick. Thin with water to your preferred consistency.
For a FREE collection of green smoothie recipes visit www.GreenSmoothieCleanse.com and put your name and email address into the box to the right.
How to Make a Non-Sweet Green Smoothie
I'm often asked by people who have blood sugar problems and candida overgrowth how to make a green smoothie without fruit. I usually call them green soups, and I make them very often. Take a look at this you-tube video of me demonstrating how to make one of my favorites, Italian Green Soup. A have a book of Soup Recipes that's packed with highly nutritious, hearty recipes that are great for winter nights.
If you're not already a Green Smoothie addict, go ahead and try one. They are delicious, energizing and an amazing way to provide your body with a powerhouse of nutrients.
What's your experience with green smoothies? Do you have a favorite green smoothie recipe? Go ahead and share in the comments field.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie